Norāde: KICK THE TICK komplekts

Zīmols: Kick The Tick



Pirmā palīdzība drošai ērču noņemšanai. Ātri un efektīvi neitralizē ērci, to sasaldējot. Lai mazinātu risku saslimt ar ērču pārnesātajām slimībām, pirms izvilkšanās ērce ir momentāni jāsasaldē. Tieši šis sasaldēšanas princips ir KICK THE TICK darbības pamatā. KICK THE TICK® expert KOMPLEKTS tiek izmantots, lai sniegtu pirmo palīdzību ērces kodumu gadījumā.

Cena 10,97 € Standarta cena 12,90 €
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Norāde: 0282 More Resin Hunting Lure

Zīmols: Prospektus

Mežacūku pievilinātājs More Resin 500 ml – darvas smarža / 0282


Mežacūku pievilinātājam "More Resin" ir ļoti intensīva darvas smarža, un tādēļ to var uztvert no ļoti liela attāluma. Produkta pamatsastāvdaļa ir sveķi. Tā sastāvdaļām piemīt dezinficējošas īpašības, paātrina audu reģenerāciju.

Cena 19,99 €
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Norāde: 0145 Repellent Boar's Fear

Zīmols: Prospektus

Mežacūku atbaidītājs 500 ml / 0145


Atbaidītājs, kas imitē vilka smaku, kas rada paniku mežacūkām un citiem dzīvniekiem, liekot tiem rīkoties instinktīvi - bēgts. Šis ir unikāls produkts, pie kura nepierod.

Cena 21,99 €
Pieejamās vispirms

Norāde: More Resin Hunting Lure 0299

Zīmols: Prospektus

Mežacūku pievilinātājs More Resin 1kg – darvas smarža, 0299


Mežacūku pievilinātājam Temptation "More Resin" ir ļoti intensīva darvas smarža, un tādēļ to var uztvert no ļoti liela attāluma. Produkta pamatsastāvdaļa ir sveķi. Tā sastāvdaļām piemīt dezinficējošas īpašības, paātrina audu reģenerāciju.

Cena 25,99 €
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Norāde: 0688 Saldie kukurūzas gabaliņi

Zīmols: Prospektus

Saldā ēsma ar kukurūzas gabaliņiem / 0688


Efektīva saldā ēsma savvaļas dzīvnieku pievilināšanai ar kukurūzas gabaliņiem. Jauna formula, kas nodrošina to, ka sliktos laika apstākļos nezaudē savu efektivitāti.

Cena 22,05 € Standarta cena 24,50 €
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Suņu svilpe, kas izgatavota no bifeļa raga, apmācībām, treniņiem, 510801

Suņu svilpe, kas izgatavota no bifeļa raga
9,99 €
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Piegādes noteikumi

Suņu svilpe - 8,5 cm
Divpusēja suņu svilpe, kas izgatavota no bifeļa raga
Vienā pusē skaņa "trill", otra pusē spalga, asa skaņa
Ar cilpiņu un kokvilnas auklu
Garums: apm. 8,5 cm
Krāsa: melna
Produkta detaļas
1 Vienība
16 other products in the same category:

Reference: 735008


EKA® SwedBlade G6 orange, swingblade / 735008


EKA G6 Swedblade Orange, the ultimate knife for the hunter. Switch between skinning and gut blade on the same knife.

Price €129.00
In stock

Reference: GUNCARE-56ML


Gun cleaner Motorex Gun Care - 56 ml


Gun cleaner Motorex Gun Care - 300 ml

Price €11.00
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Reference: Nordik Bolt Knob

Brand: Nordic Predator

Nordik Bolt Knob


The Nordik Bolt Knob is a black rubber knob that can be mounted on to the bolt of almost any bolt action rifle.

Price €14.00
In stock

Reference: Kristoffer Clausen Roe Deer Call

Brand: Kristoffer Clausen Hunting

Kristoffer Clausen Roe Deer Call


The Kristoffer Clausen Roe deer call is a very effective for calling in roebucks. This call can produce contact sounds and distress sounds for females and calves. The call has a long reach and is a very easy roe deer call to use.

Price €30.00

Reference: PD061

Brand: AFG Defense

Hip holster Dasta 797 MS for CR Grizzly 300 ml / PD061


Hip holster Dasta 797 MS for CR Grizzly 300- 400 ml / PD061

Price €18.00
Last items in stock

Reference: Mountain Stick

Brand: 4 Stable Sticks

Mountain Stick SWING, 4Stable Stick, stalking stick


The Mountain Stick is foldable, ultra-light, tough and for standing, sitting, kneeling, and slope shots.

Price €179.00

Reference: Diedzēti kvieši

Brand: Prospektus

Baits with sprouded wheat flavor and smell


It is nutritional supplement which supplies game with necessary minerals, especially in winter. Contains only natural ingredients. Baits with sprouded wheat flavor and smell.

Price €19.50

Reference: Sweet Exclusive hogs

Brand: Prospektus

Effective Lure Sweet Exclusive for Wild Boars, 1,3 kg


After smelling and feeling the taste of Sweet Exclusive the boars will always return to that place.

Price €31.77

Reference: 510500

Brand: Eurohunt

Weisskirchen Roe Deer Call Made of Precious Wood


Roe deer call with two reeds. What makes the Weisskirchen roe deer calls so special is the precious wood (wenge) with its high specific density (insensitive to moisture) and the platinum interlaced silicone rings. This makes it possible to imitate all sounds of the female roe deer. The roe deer calls are treated with liquid beeswax.

Price €37.90
In stock

Reference: CLAUSEN-RDC-4

Brand: Kristoffer Clausen Hunting

Kristoffer Clausen Roedeercall Contact 2


This call is just as easy to use as the original contact call, but it has a longer reach and higher volume. With Contact 2 you can imitate a large variety of contact sounds for females and fawns to attract the roebucks. You can call in the roedeer from a long distance and the best time to use it is during the rut. The call can also be effective on predators.

Price €35.00
Last items in stock

Reference: 510510

Brand: Eurohunt

Weisskirchen Stag Call, two parts


The special material mixture makes the sound of the Weisskirchen stag call so natural. With this stag call you can imitate all the sounds of the stag,

Price €99.90
Last items in stock

Reference: Nordik Crying Bird

Brand: Nordic Predator

Nordik Crying Bird


Is specially developed to imitate bird distress sounds. These sounds are very effective to call foxes and other predators with.

Price €30.00
In stock

Reference: 1000199

Wildwash Magic Paw Balm50ml, 1000199


Our WildWash Magic Paw Balm with Sweet Almond Oil, Frankincense and Kanuka is a super conditioning paw treatment that will moisturise your dogs' cracked, dry and rough paws and help form a barrier to protect them from everyday wear and tear.

Price €19.99
In stock

Reference: Nordik-Crow

Brand: Nordic Predator

Nordik Crow


To imitate the characteristic croak of the crow, place the mouth piece in your mouth with your teeth behind the notches, take a·deep breath and blow into the call while making a RRRRRR sound deep from your throat.·

Price €32.00
In stock

Reference: 0695 Sāļie kukurūzas gabaliņi

Brand: Prospektus

Salty lick with corn cernels


Contains only natural ingredients. Both food and medicine. Both taste and smell. Salty lick with corn cernels.

Price €22.05 Regular price €24.50
In stock

Reference: 520493

Brand: Bearproof Precision SE

BEARPROOF Comb Riser adhesive Velcro tape


2x adhesive Velcro tape

Price €12.90
In stock

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