Norāde: KICK THE TICK komplekts

Zīmols: Kick The Tick



Pirmā palīdzība drošai ērču noņemšanai. Ātri un efektīvi neitralizē ērci, to sasaldējot. Lai mazinātu risku saslimt ar ērču pārnesātajām slimībām, pirms izvilkšanās ērce ir momentāni jāsasaldē. Tieši šis sasaldēšanas princips ir KICK THE TICK darbības pamatā. KICK THE TICK® expert KOMPLEKTS tiek izmantots, lai sniegtu pirmo palīdzību ērces kodumu gadījumā.

Cena 10,97 € Standarta cena 12,90 €
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Norāde: 0282 More Resin Hunting Lure

Zīmols: Prospektus

Mežacūku pievilinātājs More Resin 500 ml – darvas smarža / 0282


Mežacūku pievilinātājam "More Resin" ir ļoti intensīva darvas smarža, un tādēļ to var uztvert no ļoti liela attāluma. Produkta pamatsastāvdaļa ir sveķi. Tā sastāvdaļām piemīt dezinficējošas īpašības, paātrina audu reģenerāciju.

Cena 19,99 €
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Norāde: 0145 Repellent Boar's Fear

Zīmols: Prospektus

Mežacūku atbaidītājs 500 ml / 0145


Atbaidītājs, kas imitē vilka smaku, kas rada paniku mežacūkām un citiem dzīvniekiem, liekot tiem rīkoties instinktīvi - bēgts. Šis ir unikāls produkts, pie kura nepierod.

Cena 21,99 €
Pieejamās vispirms

Norāde: More Resin Hunting Lure 0299

Zīmols: Prospektus

Mežacūku pievilinātājs More Resin 1kg – darvas smarža, 0299


Mežacūku pievilinātājam Temptation "More Resin" ir ļoti intensīva darvas smarža, un tādēļ to var uztvert no ļoti liela attāluma. Produkta pamatsastāvdaļa ir sveķi. Tā sastāvdaļām piemīt dezinficējošas īpašības, paātrina audu reģenerāciju.

Cena 25,99 €
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Norāde: 0688

Zīmols: Prospektus

Saldā ēsma ar kukurūzas gabaliņiem / 0688


Efektīva saldā ēsma savvaļas dzīvnieku pievilināšanai ar kukurūzas gabaliņiem. Jauna formula, kas nodrošina to, ka sliktos laika apstākļos nezaudē savu efektivitāti.

Cena 22,05 € Standarta cena 24,50 €
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Acme suņu svilpe (melna/211,5) ar siksniņu / HPA211PBL

Acme suņu svilpe (melna/211,5) ar siksniņu. Vienu toņu svilpe no vadošā britu svilpju ražotāja

13,99 €


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Piegādes noteikumi

Acme suņu svilpe (melna/211,5) ar siksniņu

Vienu toņu svilpe no vadošā britu svilpju ražotāja

Šīs svilpes ir ļoti izturīgas, un to tonis nav atkarīgs no laikapstākļu ietekmes. Pateicoties standartizētajai frekvencei, jebkurā laikā var pasūtīt vēlamo frekvenci.
Šai svilpei ACME 211,5 ir spēcīgs tonis, un tā ir piemērota darbam ar jebkuru suni.
Garums: 8 cm

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3 vienības:
16 other products in the same category:

Reference: Nordik Boar

Brand: Nordic Predator

Nordic Boar- NordicPredator call


Nordik Boar is especially developed for calling wild boar. The sound that is produced by the call imitates the contact sound that the boars make when they are rooting and feeding.

Price €40.00

Reference: Clausen Predatorcall 3

Brand: Kristoffer Clausen Hunting

Clausen Predatorcall 3 bird distress


Clausen Predatorcall 3 is a very effective bird distress call for foxes. 

Price €30.00

Reference: 510540

Brand: Eurohunt

WXT -4all Plus Universallocker


Product information "WXT -4all Plus Universallocker" With the Weisskirchen WXT - 4all Locker you can imitate a deceptively large number of game species. Robust material also for extreme conditions and in every season applicable.

Price €24.99
In stock

Reference: 0558 Sweet pea

Brand: Prospektus

Sweet pea kernels impregnated the taste and smell of Roasted Peas. The Last Dinner. Roasted Peas, 7 kg.


This Lure is designed to attract wild animals to the attraction area and keep them in place.

Price €21.25 Regular price €25.00

Reference: Nordik Bolt Knob

Brand: Nordic Predator

Nordik Bolt Knob


The Nordik Bolt Knob is a black rubber knob that can be mounted on to the bolt of almost any bolt action rifle.

Price €14.00
In stock

Reference: SH10056

Brand: Sauenhammer

Gamehammer green, weapon sling, SH10056


Gamehammer green - The patented Gamehammer pulls your rifle or shotgun firmly into your shoulder for a much smoother reticle and more control when firing. Perfect for stalking and driven hunts. Put your guide hand through the rifle strap opening and use your upper arm muscles to pull the rifle firmly into your shoulder.

Price €94.90
Last items in stock

Reference: WSKTS

Brand: Work Sharp

Work Sharp Knife & Tool Sharpener - original


Work Sharp Knife & Tool Sharpener - Sharpens every knife you own using flexible abrasive belts and precision sharpening guides. Quickly and easily makes your blades sharper than ever, including scissors and edge tools.

Price €120.00

Reference: RecoilHAM002


RECOIL Carbon Remover - 400 ml


Cleans and removes carbon . Ideal for weapons with automatic discharge of powder gases. Before use, it is recommended to check the compatibility of the product with the surface to be cleaned.

Price €9.20
Last items in stock

Reference: 0688 Saldie kukurūzas gabaliņi

Brand: Prospektus

Sweet Bait with Corn Cernels


It is nutritional supplement which supplies game with necessary minerals, especially in winter and when there is a high salt demand. It is a salt with minerals, vitamins combined with corn. The salty is balanced.

Price €22.05 Regular price €24.50
Last items in stock

Reference: Mountain Stick

Brand: 4 Stable Sticks

Mountain Stick, 4Stable Stick


The Mountain is foldable, ultra-light, tough and suitable for standing, sitting, kneeling, and slope shots.

Price €169.00
In stock

Reference: 510500

Brand: Eurohunt

Weisskirchen Roe Deer Call Made of Precious Wood


Roe deer call with two reeds. What makes the Weisskirchen roe deer calls so special is the precious wood (wenge) with its high specific density (insensitive to moisture) and the platinum interlaced silicone rings. This makes it possible to imitate all sounds of the female roe deer. The roe deer calls are treated with liquid beeswax.

Price €37.90
In stock

Reference: 1098

Brand: Prospektus

Black effective long-lasting sweet or salty lick with corn kernels, 3 kg. 1081


The product is made from high quality feed corn and heat treated to make it safe to use. It is also designed to be long-lasting and hard to chew, so it can continue to entice animals for a period of time. In addition, the bait is now made with kaolinite clay, which helps it to adhere well to a stump or dead tree trunk, thus adapting to the natural colors....

Price €24.50
In stock

Reference: SJ059

Brand: AFG Defense

Defense spray CR Grizzly - against bears 150 ml


Defense spray CR Grizzly - against bears 300 ml. Powerful anti-aggression spray specifically designed to protect all visitors to nature to ward off attacks by bears, wolves, wild animals and aggressive dogs but also excellent against human aggression under the influence of alcohol and other intoxicating substances, to be kept in own home in case of...

Price €34.90
In stock

Reference: 510841

Brand: Eurohunt

HP&G Training Tool Balance Bumper 320g / 510841


HP&G Training Tool Balance Bumper 320g - Due to the 6-cornered shape, the dog can always grasp and hold it well. Furthermore, a relief pattern provides a better holding property.

Price €19.99
Last items in stock

Reference: 590252

Brand: Eurohunt

Urine Scents for Roe Deer, 100ml


Urine scents allure the game and provoke their curiosity. Just spray it on the soles of your shoes to lay the scent track. You can also spray the urine scent on suitable surface. It is delivered in the handy 100 ml spray bottle.

Price €19.90
Last items in stock

Reference: 510876

HP&G Waterproof leash with carabiner 130cm / 510876


The HP&G polyvinyl chloride (PVC) dog lead is the perfect choice for dog owners looking for a hard-wearing and waterproof lead. The material makes the lead particularly sturdy and robust so that it can withstand daily challenges.

Price €19.99
Last items in stock

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