Norāde: KICK THE TICK komplekts

Zīmols: Kick The Tick



Pirmā palīdzība drošai ērču noņemšanai. Ātri un efektīvi neitralizē ērci, to sasaldējot. Lai mazinātu risku saslimt ar ērču pārnesātajām slimībām, pirms izvilkšanās ērce ir momentāni jāsasaldē. Tieši šis sasaldēšanas princips ir KICK THE TICK darbības pamatā. KICK THE TICK® expert KOMPLEKTS tiek izmantots, lai sniegtu pirmo palīdzību ērces kodumu gadījumā.

Cena 10,97 € Standarta cena 12,90 €
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Norāde: 0282 More Resin Hunting Lure

Zīmols: Prospektus

Mežacūku pievilinātājs More Resin 500 ml – darvas smarža / 0282


Mežacūku pievilinātājam "More Resin" ir ļoti intensīva darvas smarža, un tādēļ to var uztvert no ļoti liela attāluma. Produkta pamatsastāvdaļa ir sveķi. Tā sastāvdaļām piemīt dezinficējošas īpašības, paātrina audu reģenerāciju.

Cena 19,99 €
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Norāde: 0145 Repellent Boar's Fear

Zīmols: Prospektus

Mežacūku atbaidītājs 500 ml / 0145


Atbaidītājs, kas imitē vilka smaku, kas rada paniku mežacūkām un citiem dzīvniekiem, liekot tiem rīkoties instinktīvi - bēgts. Šis ir unikāls produkts, pie kura nepierod.

Cena 21,99 €
Pieejamās vispirms

Norāde: More Resin Hunting Lure 0299

Zīmols: Prospektus

Mežacūku pievilinātājs More Resin 1kg – darvas smarža, 0299


Mežacūku pievilinātājam Temptation "More Resin" ir ļoti intensīva darvas smarža, un tādēļ to var uztvert no ļoti liela attāluma. Produkta pamatsastāvdaļa ir sveķi. Tā sastāvdaļām piemīt dezinficējošas īpašības, paātrina audu reģenerāciju.

Cena 25,99 €
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Norāde: 0688

Zīmols: Prospektus

Saldā ēsma ar kukurūzas gabaliņiem / 0688


Efektīva saldā ēsma savvaļas dzīvnieku pievilināšanai ar kukurūzas gabaliņiem. Jauna formula, kas nodrošina to, ka sliktos laika apstākļos nezaudē savu efektivitāti.

Cena 22,05 € Standarta cena 24,50 €
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Chuckit peldošā suņu mantiņa apmācībai M

Pamanāma rotaļlieta sunim spēlēm ūdenī, kā arī apmācībai. Mantiņa negrimst, ir spilgtā krāsā ar šņorīti, kas ļaus to aizmest ļoti tālu. 
Neļaujiet to sunim grauzt.
16,90 €
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Piegādes noteikumi

Chuckit peldošā suņu mantiņa apmācībia M
Pamanāma rotaļlieta sunim spēlēm ūdenī, kā arī apmācībai. Mantiņa negrimst, ir spilgtā krāsā ar šņorīti, kas ļaus to aizmest ļoti tālu. 
Neļaujiet to sunim grauzt.

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1 Vienība
16 other products in the same category:

Reference: Nordik-Crow

Brand: Nordic Predator

Nordik Crow


To imitate the characteristic croak of the crow, place the mouth piece in your mouth with your teeth behind the notches, take a·deep breath and blow into the call while making a RRRRRR sound deep from your throat.·

Price €32.00
In stock

Reference: SJ016

Brand: AFG Defense

Defense spray CR Grizzly - against bears 300 ml


Defense spray CR Grizzly - against bears 300 ml. Powerful anti-aggression spray specifically designed to protect all visitors to nature to ward off attacks by bears, wolves, wild animals and aggressive dogs but also excellent against human aggression under the influence of alcohol and other intoxicating substances, to be kept in own home in case of...

Price €55.35
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Reference: Nordik Knife

Brand: Nordic Predator

Nordik Knife


The Nordik Knife is developed for active hunting, especially for gutting and skinning

Price €69.99

Reference: HPAL211BOP

ACME ALPHA 211 black/orange/ HPAL211BOP


Developed over four years in collaboration with World Champion trainers to create an unrivalled whistle. Patented sound chambers offer a more efficient use of air. That means brighter sound giving you better command and a more responsive dog, close-to and over distance.

Price €13.99

Reference: RecoilHAM002


RECOIL Carbon Remover - 400 ml


Cleans and removes carbon . Ideal for weapons with automatic discharge of powder gases. Before use, it is recommended to check the compatibility of the product with the surface to be cleaned.

Price €9.20
Last items in stock

Reference: 735008


EKA® SwedBlade G6 orange, swingblade / 735008


EKA G6 Swedblade Orange, the ultimate knife for the hunter. Switch between skinning and gut blade on the same knife.

Price €129.00
In stock

Reference: 30110


EKA Skinning knife Orange 16cm / 30110


The Skinning Knife Orange 16 cm - offers ergonomic precision for flawless skinning, protecting the meat with every cut. Perfect accuracy, every time!

Price €41.00
In stock

Reference: 510517

Brand: Eurohunt

Weisskirchen Stag Call threepart


his is the best deer call I had in my hands, says old pro Konrad Esterl. Everything from the call is made from one material. No wood or any other material reduces the natural sound.

Price €119.90
Last items in stock

Reference: PD061

Brand: AFG Defense

Hip holster Dasta 797 MS for CR Grizzly 300 ml / PD061


Hip holster Dasta 797 MS for CR Grizzly 300- 400 ml / PD061

Price €18.00
Last items in stock

Reference: 510500

Brand: Eurohunt

Weisskirchen Roe Deer Call Made of Precious Wood


Roe deer call with two reeds. What makes the Weisskirchen roe deer calls so special is the precious wood (wenge) with its high specific density (insensitive to moisture) and the platinum interlaced silicone rings. This makes it possible to imitate all sounds of the female roe deer. The roe deer calls are treated with liquid beeswax.

Price €37.90
In stock

Reference: 510510

Brand: Eurohunt

Weisskirchen Stag Call, two parts


The special material mixture makes the sound of the Weisskirchen stag call so natural. With this stag call you can imitate all the sounds of the stag,

Price €99.90
Last items in stock

Reference: Clausen Roe Deer Call Pro

Brand: Kristoffer Clausen Hunting

Kristoffer Clausen Roedeercall Pro


The brand new Clausen Roedeercall Pro is even more effective than the original call. It is super easy to use with a wide range of sounds, both for long range and short range calling.

Price €39.00

Reference: TPD30FKH3

Firedog Dummy 3-teilig khaki mit Fellring / TPD30FKH


This special 3-part dummy with fur perfectly simulates the shape of the game. It is suitable for gundog training. 3-parts dummy supports the correct retrieving of the game as the dog has to hold the dummy exactly in the middle, while other two parts are hanging. This prevents the dog from shaking with dummies.

Price €38.99

Reference: Nordik Bolt Knob

Brand: Nordic Predator

Nordik Bolt Knob


The Nordik Bolt Knob is a black rubber knob that can be mounted on to the bolt of almost any bolt action rifle.

Price €14.00
In stock

Reference: Clausen Predatorcall 4

Brand: Kristoffer Clausen Hunting

Clausen Predatorcall 4


This call is super easy to use, everyone will manage this call on the first try!

Price €30.00

Reference: Nordik Boar

Brand: Nordic Predator

Nordic Boar- NordicPredator call


Nordik Boar is especially developed for calling wild boar. The sound that is produced by the call imitates the contact sound that the boars make when they are rooting and feeding.

Price €40.00
Klienti, kuri iegādājās šo preci nopirka arī:

Norāde: MYKD1000

Truša aports medību suņa treniņam 1 kg


Medību suņu apmācībai 1 kg smags aports ar truša ādiņu. Šo aportu izmanto apmācībai pirms suni iepazīstina ar īstu medījumu. UZMANĪBU! Šis aports nav spēļmantiņa, to izmanto tikai suņa apmācībai. Nedrīkst ļaut to grauzt, ar to spēlēties

Cena 28,90 €
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Norāde: 512029

Pīles aports medību suņu treniņiem ASD Training Tool EZ-Bird Mallard


Cena 39,99 €
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