Reference: KICK THE TICK komplekts

Brand: Kick The Tick

KICK THE TICK® expert for safe tick removal, Tick Remover-freeze KIT


Easy and safe way to remove the tick

Price €10.97 Regular price €12.90
In stock

Reference: 0282 More Resin Hunting Lure

Brand: Prospektus

Lure for Hogs „Temptation. More Pine Resin“, 500 g


Use: put the lure on suitable non-viable trees at feeding area.

Price €19.99

Reference: 0145 Repellent Boar's Fear

Brand: Prospektus

Boars Fear, 500 ml.


A measure that can protect crops and other crops up to 85% from wildlife damage caused, scare away wild boar. 

Price €21.99
In stock

Reference: More Resin Hunting Lure 0299

Brand: Prospektus

Lure for Hogs „Temptation. More Pine Resin“, 1 kg, 0299


Use: put the lure on suitable non-viable trees at feeding area.

Price €25.99

Reference: 0688 Saldie kukurūzas gabaliņi

Brand: Prospektus

Sweet Bait with Corn Cernels


It is nutritional supplement which supplies game with necessary minerals, especially in winter and when there is a high salt demand. It is a salt with minerals, vitamins combined with corn. The salty is balanced.

Price €22.05 Regular price €24.50
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Defense spray CR Grizzly - against bears 150 ml


Defense spray CR Grizzly - against bears 300 ml. Powerful anti-aggression spray specifically designed to protect all visitors to nature to ward off attacks by bears, wolves, wild animals and aggressive dogs but also excellent against human aggression under the influence of alcohol and other intoxicating substances, to be kept in own home in case of intrusion by bad guys and able to neutralize them instantly without killing them and better than a gun which can then create problems with the law.

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NB: Possible delivery disruption as not all shippers have the capability to ship aerosols containing gas.

Powerful 300 ml Extreme Power Grizzly anti-aggression spray. The original AFG.SK.

Extreme Power Grizzly is a powerful anti-aggression spray specifically designed to protect all visitors to nature to ward off attacks by bears, wolves, wild animals and aggressive dogs but also excellent against human aggression under the influence of alcohol and other intoxicating substances, to be kept in own home in case of intrusion by bad guys and able to neutralize them instantly without killing them and better than a gun which can then create problems with the law. The product contains a combination of several active ingredients (oleoresin, capsium 2% and dibenzoxazepine 1%) which cause immediate great burning in the area of the respiratory tract, head and eyes with the effect of blurred vision. At the same time, the beast's olfactory senses are disrupted for several days, thus preventing it from pursuing the victim by tracking it. The effective range is 10 meters with a cone jet with a 4 meter wide protective barrier ensuring sufficient distance. The use is very simple and quick, the bear spray is designed to be used with one hand, place the index finger through the ring and the thumb on the operating lever, pull the lever back for reinforcement, press the lever with the thumb, spray for 3 seconds towards the attacker's eyes and you will create a spray barrier between you and the attacker, stop and assess the situation and spray again if necessary. The substance is released in the form of a large cloud which offers a greater chance of hitting, especially when under great stress. With the use of this spray you are sure to stop the attack but without leaving any injuries or consequences. It is a defense weapon whatever the circumstances, very good to have on hand when going out into nature and beyond! Produced by AFG.SK.

Technical features:

  • Brand: AFG.SK
  • Body material: aluminum pressure cylinder
  • Content: 300 ml. 
  • Concentration of irritant: oleoresin, capsicum 2% and benzodiazepine 1%
  • Jet: conical (the substance is released in the form of a large cloud which offers a greater chance of striking, especially when under severe stress)
  • Range of action: 10 meters effective
  • Height: 25 cm.
  • Diameter: 5 cm.
  • Weight: 291 gr.
Product Details
12 Items
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Zīmols: 4 Stable Sticks

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Cena 325,00 €
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Zīmols: Kristoffer Clausen Hunting

Clausen Predatorcall 2, lapsu māneklis


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RECOIL oglekļa tīrīšanas līdzeklis / Carbon Remover - 400 ml / RecoilHAM002


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Cena 9,20 €
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Cena 25,99 €
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Norāde: 520493

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Smirdīgā MAITA plēsēju pievilināšanai, 250 ml


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Cena 19,00 €
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Cena 39,99 €
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Smaržīgā SĒNE pievilināšanai, 250ml


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Cena 19,00 €
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Norāde: 560798

Zīmols: Eurohunt

EUROHUNT trofeju balinātājs - 150 g


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Cena 19,90 €
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Kristoffer Clausen Roedeercall Contact


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