Reference: KICK THE TICK komplekts

Brand: Kick The Tick

KICK THE TICK® expert for safe tick removal, Tick Remover-freeze KIT


Easy and safe way to remove the tick

Price €10.97 Regular price €12.90
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Reference: 0282 More Resin Hunting Lure

Brand: Prospektus

Lure for Hogs „Temptation. More Pine Resin“, 500 g


Use: put the lure on suitable non-viable trees at feeding area.

Price €19.99
Last items in stock

Reference: 0145 Repellent Boar's Fear

Brand: Prospektus

Boars Fear, 500 ml.


A measure that can protect crops and other crops up to 85% from wildlife damage caused, scare away wild boar. 

Price €21.99
In stock

Reference: More Resin Hunting Lure 0299

Brand: Prospektus

Lure for Hogs „Temptation. More Pine Resin“, 1 kg, 0299


Use: put the lure on suitable non-viable trees at feeding area.

Price €25.99
In stock

Reference: Nordik Roe – Roebuck call

Brand: Nordic Predator

Nordik Roe – NordicPredator Roebuck call


Call is a very effective for calling in roebucks. This call can produce contact sounds and distress sounds for females and calves. The call has a long reach and is a very easy roe deer call to use.

Price €30.00
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ACME ALPHA 210 1/2 Black on Neon Pink + lanyard free / HPAL210BPP


Developed over four years in collaboration with World Champion trainers to create an unrivalled whistle. Patented sound chambers offer a more efficient use of air. That means brighter sound giving you better command and a more responsive dog, close-to and over distance.

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Developed over four years in collaboration with World Champion trainers to create an unrivalled whistle. Patented sound chambers offer a more efficient use of air. That means brighter sound giving you better command and a more responsive dog, close-to and over distance. These all-new designs are effortless to blow and, because of that, give you the greatest flexibility to vary your breath, your whistling style, and your choice of commands. The all over comfort grip offers softness in the mouth and perfect handling in all conditions. Over the fields and hills, on the beach, in your local park or at home this new range will ensure you lead your pack.

The ALPHA is the most efficient whistle ever made. Its frequencies generated are now concentrated in the dog’s middle octave hearing range, enabling the dog to hear with more clarity. Its contemporary design encompasses a new comfort grip in the hand and mouth. You only have to breath into it for a quality sound enabling you to produce commands so quiet they are almost inaudible to people - perfect for close working dogs. The ALPHA is easier to use and produces a far greater variety of whistling sounds and styles so owners can communicate effectively with their dog, helping to maintain control.

- Enhanced performance and control of your commands.
- The Comfort Grip add stability in the hand in all weather conditions.
- Easier to blow due to a reduction in air loss, allowing for quieter sounding more responsive commands.
- Made in the UK using the most technologically advanced materials and production methods to create a World leading product.

The ALPHA gives the ability to work with the dog over even greater distances, with up to 17% increase in range of working.

The frequencies generated by the ALPHA are concentrated in the dog's middle octave hearing range enabling the dog to hear it more clearly.

The ALPHA is 8% louder with a crisper sound, making it even easier for the dog to interpret in a variety of settings.

Extensive Research & Development has been undertaken in collaboration with the Worlds finest dog trainers to create the Best Dog Whistle in the World.

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16 produktu tajā pat kategorijā:

Norāde: 512029

Pīles aports medību suņu treniņiem ASD Training Tool EZ-Bird Mallard


Cena 39,99 €
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Norāde: Nordik Roe – Roebuck call

Zīmols: Nordic Predator

Nordik Roe – Nordik Predator stirnāžu/stirnu māneklis - svilpe


Viens no populāriem stirnāžu (buku) mānekļiem tirgū. Mānekļa skaņa atdarina stirnas saucienu un stirnas briesmu saucienu. To ir ļoti vienkārši lietot. Labākais rezultāts mānekļa izmantošanā tiek sasniegts jūlija un augusta laikā, kad stirnāzim ir riests, taču māneklis var tikt izmantots visu gadu.

Cena 30,00 €
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EKA Butcher set miesnieka komplekts


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Cena 140,00 €
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Norāde: 605608


EKA Swede 8, bubinga. Saliekamais nazis


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Cena 49,99 €
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Norāde: Nordik Boar

Zīmols: Nordic Predator

Nordik Boar māneklis mežacūkai


Nordik Boar ir īpaši izstrādāta svilpe, lai pievilinātu mežacūkas. Svilpes radītā skaņa imitē mežacūku kontakta skaņu, kad tās rok un barojas.

Cena 40,00 €
Noliktavā pēdējās preces

Norāde: MYKD1000

Truša aports medību suņa treniņam 1 kg


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Cena 28,90 €
Noliktavā pēdējās preces

Norāde: 590222

Zīmols: Eurohunt

Sāls pasta anīsa, 2kg spainis, 590222


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Cena 16,99 € Standarta cena 17,99 €
Pieejamās vispirms

Norāde: 510516

Zīmols: Eurohunt

Staltbriežu piebaurošanas taure, rags


Staltbriežu piebaurošanas taure, rags

Cena 49,99 €
Noliktavā pēdējās preces

Norāde: TPD30FKH3

Firedog Dummy - trīsdaļīgs truša aports medību suņa treniņiem un apmācībai (3 kg) / TPD30FKH3


Šis īpašais 3 daļu aports ar kažokādu lieliski imitē medījuma formu. Tas ir piemērots medību suņu apmācībai. Trīsdaļīgais aports ļauj sunim iemācīties pareizi atnest medījuma , jo sunim aports ir jātur precīzi pa vidu, kamēr pārējās divas daļas nokarājas. Tas novērš suņa spēlēšanos ar aportu.

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Norāde: SH10056

Zīmols: Sauenhammer

Gamehammer green, zaļa ieroču siksna, SH10056


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Cena 94,90 €
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Zīmols: Nordic Predator

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Cena 14,00 €
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Norāde: Nordik-Hind

Zīmols: Nordic Predator

Nordik Hind, plēsēju māneklis


Nordik Hind ir jauns un unikāls māneklis, kas īpaši izstrādāts, lai atdarinātu staltbrieža teļa briesmu saucienu. Šī skaņa satrauc briežu ganāmpulku, aicinot to nākt tuvāk, bieži vien rejot. Šis māneklis ir īpaši iedarbīgs apgabalos ar blīvu staltbriežu populāciju.

Cena 42,00 €
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Norāde: Smirdīgā SĒNE 250

Zīmols: Prospektus

Smaržīgā SĒNE pievilināšanai, 250ml


Ārkārtīgi smaržīgs sēnes aromāts mežacūku un citu dzīvnieku pievilināšanai. UZMANĪBU! ĀRKĀRTĪGI SMARŽĪGS!

Cena 19,00 €
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Norāde: Clausen Predatorcall 4

Zīmols: Kristoffer Clausen Hunting

Clausen Predatorcall 4, plēsēju, lapsu, jenotsuņu, lūšu māneklis


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Cena 30,00 €
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Norāde: 1000151

WildWash Pretblusu šampūns-koncentrāts 300ml, 1000151,


Šampūns ir ar eikalipta, piparmētras un citronzāles aromātu, kas kopā veido kombināciju, kas atbaida blusas, mušas, ērces un citus kukaiņus.

Cena 19,99 €
Pieejamās vispirms

Norāde: 560795

Zīmols: Eurohunt

EUROHUNT trofeju tīrīšanas līdzeklis, vārīšanai - 250 g, 560795


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Cena 9,90 €

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