Reference: KICK THE TICK komplekts

Brand: Kick The Tick

KICK THE TICK® expert for safe tick removal, Tick Remover-freeze KIT


Easy and safe way to remove the tick

Price €10.97 Regular price €12.90
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Reference: 0282 More Resin Hunting Lure

Brand: Prospektus

Lure for Hogs „Temptation. More Pine Resin“, 500 g


Use: put the lure on suitable non-viable trees at feeding area.

Price €19.99
In stock

Reference: More Resin Hunting Lure 0299

Brand: Prospektus

Lure for Hogs „Temptation. More Pine Resin“, 1 kg, 0299


Use: put the lure on suitable non-viable trees at feeding area.

Price €25.99
In stock

Reference: 0145 Repellent Boar's Fear

Brand: Prospektus

Boars Fear, 500 ml.


A measure that can protect crops and other crops up to 85% from wildlife damage caused, scare away wild boar. 

Price €21.99
Last items in stock

Reference: Nordik Roe – Roebuck call

Brand: Nordic Predator

Nordik Roe – NordicPredator Roebuck call


Call is a very effective for calling in roebucks. This call can produce contact sounds and distress sounds for females and calves. The call has a long reach and is a very easy roe deer call to use.

Price €30.00
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Kristoffer Clausen Roedeercall Contact 2


This call is just as easy to use as the original contact call, but it has a longer reach and higher volume. With Contact 2 you can imitate a large variety of contact sounds for females and fawns to attract the roebucks. You can call in the roedeer from a long distance and the best time to use it is during the rut. The call can also be effective on predators.

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This call is just as easy to use as the original contact call, but it has a longer reach and higher volume. With Contact 2 you can imitate a large variety of contact sounds for females and fawns to attract the roebucks. You can call in the roedeer from a long distance and the best time to use it is during the rut. The call can also be effective on predators.

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Reference: Clausen Predatorcall 4

Brand: Kristoffer Clausen Hunting

Clausen Predatorcall 4


This call is super easy to use, everyone will manage this call on the first try!

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Reference: Clausen Predatorcall 1

Brand: Kristoffer Clausen Hunting

Clausen Predatorcall 1


Clausen Predatorcall 1 is the ultimate open reed predatorcall. It is developed and produced by Kristoffer Clausen.

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Reference: Clausen Predatorcall 6

Brand: Kristoffer Clausen Hunting

Clausen Predatorcall 6


Clausen Predatorcall 6 is the ultimate game call for both young and adult foxes, all year round. With this call you can make at least six different anxiety sounds.

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Reference: Clausen Roe Deer Call Pro

Brand: Kristoffer Clausen Hunting

Kristoffer Clausen Roedeercall Pro


The brand new Clausen Roedeercall Pro is even more effective than the original call. It is super easy to use with a wide range of sounds, both for long range and short range calling.

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Brand: Kristoffer Clausen Hunting

Kristoffer Clausen Roe Deer Call


The Kristoffer Clausen Roe deer call is a very effective for calling in roebucks. This call can produce contact sounds and distress sounds for females and calves. The call has a long reach and is a very easy roe deer call to use.

Price €30.00

Reference: CLAUSEN-RDC-3

Brand: Kristoffer Clausen Hunting

Kristoffer Clausen Roedeercall Contact


Calling roedeer has never been easier. With Clausen Roedeercall Contact, you can without the help of your hands make a large variety of contact sounds of females and fawns. With the help of your hands, you can also make sounds of a roedeer fawn in distress, which can both attract roedeer, but also an effective call for foxes throughout the year.

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