Reference: KICK THE TICK komplekts
Brand: Kick The Tick
KICK THE TICK® expert for safe tick removal, Tick Remover-freeze KIT
Easy and safe way to remove the tick
Reference: KICK THE TICK komplekts
Brand: Kick The Tick
Easy and safe way to remove the tick
Reference: 0282 More Resin Hunting Lure
Brand: Prospektus
Use: put the lure on suitable non-viable trees at feeding area.
Reference: 0145 Repellent Boar's Fear
Brand: Prospektus
A measure that can protect crops and other crops up to 85% from wildlife damage caused, scare away wild boar.
Reference: More Resin Hunting Lure 0299
Brand: Prospektus
Use: put the lure on suitable non-viable trees at feeding area.
Reference: 0688 Saldie kukurūzas gabaliņi
Brand: Prospektus
It is nutritional supplement which supplies game with necessary minerals, especially in winter and when there is a high salt demand. It is a salt with minerals, vitamins combined with corn. The salty is balanced.
Bearproof precision comb raiser is a smart and practical solution to avoiding expensive comb adjustments and still get perfect cheek weld and securing eye alignment to the scope.
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Bearproof precision comb raiser is a smart and practical solution to avoiding expensive comb adjustments and still get perfect cheek weld and securing eye alignment to the scope. The geometry of the comb raiser is designed to reduce recoil energy transferred to the cheek. The comb raiser is very easy to mount, adjust and remove. It is a robust and stable comb raiser that is designed for all types of weather and provides a stable touch to the cheek for both left and right handed shooters. You can easily adjust height to suit you and your shooting. Cartridge holder for bullet, shotgun and combi is included. Extra strong Velcro straps will guarantee that Bearproof Precision mounts hard and stable. The Bearproof precision comb raiser is available in black, blaze orange and olive drab. The adhesive strips with Velcro for the stock are available to purchase if extra are needed. Bearproof precision comb raiser is easy to remove and mount many times over. When removed there will be no marks on your gunstock.Our products are available in a variety of colors and are developed to suit different types of hunting in different conditions. Bearproof combines modern design with technology and we will always strive to deliver high quality products to firearms enthusiasts world wide.
Product facts
Material: 14% Fiberglass and ultra-reinforced Polyamide 66
Weight: 3.10 Oz
Dimensions: 140mm wide, 80mm high and 50mm wide
Temp: Covers down to -40 F without losing its flexibility
Temperature range for use -40 - + 248 F
Norāde: Mountain Stick
Zīmols: 4 Stable Sticks
Mountain Stick, 4Stable Stick, šaušanas atbalsts, štoks medībām ar pieiešanu
Norāde: 680610
Neliela, kompakta un uzticama meža kamera! LM2 turpina SPYPOINT LINK-MICRO-LTE tradīcijas un pārspēj mednieku cerības. Pēc miljoniem SPYPOINT mobilo kameru pārdošanas visā pasaulē, vairāk mednieku nekā jebkad agrāk izmanto mobilo kameru sniegtās novērošanas priekšrocības, un LM2 paceļ šo vērtību un veiktspēju jaunā līmenī.
Norāde: Monteria Stick
Zīmols: 4 Stable Sticks
Monteria Stick, 4Stable Stick, šaušanas atbalsts, štoks dzinējmedībām
Pielāgojams laides vaidziņš - BEARPROOF PRECISION. To var piestiprināt bez skrūvēm, bez urbšanas. Pieejami oranžā, melnā krāsā un ar kamuflāžas rakstu.
Norāde: Sit Stick
Zīmols: 4 Stable Sticks
Mountain Stick, 4Stable Stick, šaušanas atbalsts, štoks medībām kalnainos apvidos
Norāde: 80017
Saliekams zāģis ar vairākiem asmeņiem vienā, ērti saliekams, viegls, praktisks un pārnēsājams.
Norāde: 680615
Kas ir kārtīga mednieka sapnis? Kļūt par labāku, zinošāku un sagatavotāku mednieku – tā ir viena no svarīgākajām SPYPOINT misijām. Uzņēmums nepārtraukti pilnveido mobilās novērošanas risinājumus, lai piedāvātu saviem klientiem vislabāko un vispilnīgāko novērošanu.
Norāde: Nordik Bolt Knob
Zīmols: Nordic Predator
The Nordik Bolt Knob ir melna gumijas bumbiņa, ko var piestiprināt pie gandrīz jebkuras karabīnes ar aizslēgu.
Bearskin uzskata, ka produktiem ir jāatrisina dažādas problēmas, ar kurām mednieki ikdienā saskaras. BEARSKIN Triple Mount ļauj pie ieroča piestiprināt lukturi, kameru, šaušanas kājiņas u.c. tā, ka tas neietekmē šāviena precizitāti.
Norāde: Nordik Predator
Zīmols: Nordic Predator
Siksniņa, kurai var ērti piestiprināt 3 dažādas svilpes. Ātri pievieno un atkal noņem.
Norāde: Mountain Stick
Zīmols: 4 Stable Sticks
Mountain Stick, 4Stable Stick, šaušanas atbalsts, štoks medībām kalnainos apvidos
Norāde: 520493
Zīmols: Bearproof Precision SE
2x Velcro līplenta BEARPROOF laides vaidziņa montāžai.
Norāde: 680611
Kas ir kārtīga mendieka sapnis? Kļūt par labāku, zinošāku un sagatavotāku mednieku – tā ir viena no svarīgākajām SPYPOINT misijām. Uzņēmums nepārtraukti pilnveido mobilās novērošanas risinājumus, lai piedāvātu saviem klientiem vislabāko un vispilnīgāko novērošanu.
Norāde: Nordik Predator
Zīmols: Nordic Predator
Lieliska dāvana vai viegli lietojams piknika laikā - desu iesms.
Norāde: Bush Stick SWING
Zīmols: 4 Stable Sticks
Bush Stick SWING, 4Stable Stick, šaušanas atbalsts, štoks medībām ar pieiešanu
Norāde: 680617
SPYPOINT FLEX-M TWIN-PACK meža kameras (komplektā iekļautas divas meža kameras)
Reference: Nordik PRO Roe
Brand: Nordic Predator
Call is a very effective for calling in roebucks. This call can produce contact sounds and distress sounds for females and calves. The call has a long reach and is a very easy roe deer call to use.
Reference: More Resin Hunting Lure 0299
Brand: Prospektus
Use: put the lure on suitable non-viable trees at feeding area.
Reference: SW10001
Brand: Sauenhammer
The Boarhammer SH2 - Regardless of whether you are stalking freehand, using your environment to your advantage, for steady rifle placement, or taking a quick shot on the driven hunt – with the SH Boarhammer you have maximum control over your long rifle.
Bearproof precision comb raiser is a smart and practical solution to avoiding expensive comb adjustments and still get perfect cheek weld and securing eye alignment to the scope.